Tuesday, March 15, 2011


IamINC is all about personal advancement through achieving personal goals and growing to reach their potential in life. http://www.iaminc.biz/

In one word, IamINC is all about progress, as Facebook is about connectedness, and Linkedin is about empowerment.

Here's how it works. It uses the "SMART" principle as the first step. Goals work best when they are Specific, Measurable, and Attainable, get Results, and are fixed by Time.

IamINC stresses the idea of “set.” It says, "OK, I have set my goals according to SMART." Now what? If we stop there, we fail.

So, we go on to the next process: guide the user—in fact, all users—towards our goal-tailored information, knowledge, and intelligence. In order to achieve a goal, in addition to following the SMART principles, the user needs three things: (1) knowing what to do (2) having the right help, and (3) having the right tools to make smart decisions when he or she runs into problems along the goal achievement journey. Use of these three principles changes the game from Attainable to Achievable.

You see, IamINC has a secret weapon, and that's the INC universe.

In the INC Universe, Collective Intelligence takes care of the "#1," Collaborative Mentoring takes care of the "#2," and "Smart Decision Tools” takes care of the "#3" above.

IamINC brilliantly makes use of Technology, Social Media, and impact of Globalization. Try it: http://www.iaminc.biz/

As to how the INC universe works with the IamINC system, it pushes information, knowledge, and intelligence to the user, even if he or she is sound asleep in bed at 3 o’clock in the morning. It just works for the user all the time.

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